ever-present (2018) 7'
2 electric guitars + 2 pianos
written for Bryce Dessner
2 electric guitars + 2 pianos
written for Bryce Dessner
2 vibraphones, 2 marimbas, 2 pianos
written for Bryce Dessner
solo trumpet
Commissioned by Kunststiftung NRW, Philharmonie Essen, HELLERAU Europäisches Zentrum der Künste Dresden, and Ensemble Musikfabrik
The MAP Fund
soprano, vln, egtr, pno - all amplified
Carnegie Hall Corporation and Stanford Lively Arts
fl, bcl, tbn, pno, perc, egtr, vln,va,vc,db; amp
the Crash Ensemble
6 electric guitars
Emio Greco|PC
electric guitar duet
2S, A, T, small chorus
2kbd, perc, egtr, 2vn, db, drums [all instruments and voices amplified]
The Center for New Performance at CalArts and the Ontological-Hysteric Theater with funds provided by the Mary Flagler Cary Charitable Trust. What to wear is also a Meet the Composer Commissioning Music/USA commission and was produced with the additional support of the Shubert Foundation.
vc, pno, rock organ, e gtr, drums
Audrey Riley
cl/perc/pf/egtr/vc.db; amp
The MAP Fund
2(2pic,2panpipe).00.3sx.0/0440/3kbd.acn.egtr.bgtr/perc/vn.vc + audio playback [all instruments amplified]
011+bcl.0/perc/eorg/egtr/vn.va.vc [all instruments amplified]
The Mary Flagler Cary Charitable Trust
cl(bcl),egtr,pn,perc,vn,va [all instruments amplified]
cl(bcl)/perc/eorg/egtr/vn.va [all instruments amplified]