Artist: London Sinfonietta, Synergy Vocals, Crash Ensemble, Alarm Will Sound, Real Quiet Trio, Flux Quartet
Release Date: 2018
Label: Cantaloupe Music
Works on this Album:
David Lang
forced march (2008) 10'
fl, bcl, tbn, pno, perc, egtr, vln,va,vc,db; amp
the Crash Ensemble
David Lang
pierced (2007) 15'
solo cello, solo piano, solo percussion, strings
Real Quiet
David Lang
writing on water (2005) 32'
Text by Peter Greenaway
3 voices (2 bar, 1 bass);; amp
by Lloyds of London for the London Sinfonietta and Synergy Vocal Group
David Lang
increase (2002) 11'
fl,ob,cl,bn,hn,tpt,tbn,pno,synth,2 perc,2 vln,va,vc,db; amp